Название: GOM Player Версия: Совместимость: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista Локализация: RUS Описание:
Поддерживаемые форматы: avi, divx, asx, asf, wmx, wmv, wvx, wm, mpg,
dat, ifo, vob, m1v, m2v, tp, dmb, mp4, m4v, k3g, 3gp, skm, dmskm, lmp4,
m, mvb, mkv, ogm, gom. Встроенные кодеки: AC3, OGG, XVID, DIV1,
DIV2, DIV3, DIV4, DIV5, DIV6, DIVX, DX50, MP41, MP42, MP43, H263, AP41,
MPG4, MP4S, M4S2, MP4V, BLZ0, MJPG, RMP4, DXGM, H264, ffmpeg.
Дополнительная информация о программе: What's new:
Security patches (Solving vulnerabilities when downloading a logo file and executing external files) When using the Intel chipset graphic card, text error fixed in a particular Renderer. Bug fixed ; mismatching problem between SRT subtitles and assigned code-page When saving SRT subtitles sync, it will changed to SMI. Problem fixed ; codec finding in some MOV files. Bug fixed ; when keeping file handle after finishing playing OGG, MKV file. Bug fixed ; when playing MP4 by an imbedded source filter, recognize problem about some MP3 audio streaming. Improving downloading OGG file-playing function. Improving damaged FLV file-playing function. Improving local MKV file-playing function. Error Fixed ; problem when connecting some external file splitters. Bug fixed ; problem that pop-up finding subtitles page when trying to play a file which does not exist. Error fixed ; problem that making unintentional file-names when capturing audio/video of on-line videos. Error fixed ; video black-out problem in some conditions. Changing format of bookmark file to Unicode type and Improving speed of reading/writhing of bookmark. Adding shortcuts about move by a frame (next frame : Ctrl + > , former frame : Ctrl + < ) Adding sizes in "Easy Browser" option. (1280*1024 / 1920*1080) Adding Exif information to jpeg file captured. Add disabled filter list
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