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Avid Media Composer v.4.0.3 (2009г.)
[ · Скачать одним файлом () ] 17.11.2009, 10:35

Название: Avid Media Composer v.4.0.3
Дата выпуска: october, 2009
Разработчик: Avid Technology, Inc.
Платформа: PC Win-x32
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Язык интерфейса: английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Размер: 1.45 GB

Avid Media Composer - предпочтительный выбор и для профессионалов высшего уровня, занимающихся производством кино и видеопродукции, и для независимых производителей, и для новичков пост-производства. Огромный инструментарий для творческой работы: поддержка технологий безленточного производства, работа с любыми форматами, мультикамерный HD монтаж и многое другое. Прекрасное сочетание со свободой выбора различных вариантов систем Avid Media Composer, которые наилучшим образом подходят к тем или иным проектам: от автономной системы с программным обеспечением без дополнительной аппаратной поддержки до законченного аппаратно-программного комплекса Avid Media Composer / Avid Digirtal Nonlinear Accelerator (Avid DNA).

Что нового в 4 версии:
1. 16 tracks in the audio mixer. (16 треков в аудио-миксере)
Yes, it’s true. You can finally see as many tracks as you can play. It seems like small thing, but every time I look at that big mixer I get a warm feeling inside.
2. 100 Undos (100 шагов для отката)
This will be a boon to anybody doing visual effects, where you seem to run out of undos all the time. (That’s because if you change a parameter by hitting the up or down arrow key a few times, every key press is remembered as a separate undo.)
3. Auto-cropping in the stabilize effect (Добавлено автоматическое обрезание картинки в эффекте стабилизации)
You used to have to laboriously crop a stabilized shot. Now the effect will do it for you.
4. Easier number entry on laptops. (Упрощен ввод цифр на ноутбуках без вынесенного нампада)
You no longer have to use Number Lock. Just tap the control key twice, and you can use the number row.
5. And the piece de resistance — Transition Preservation.
Briefly, this is a set of timeline modifications that make it possible to do three things: (Наконец-то исправили эти бородатые проблемы с дисолвами!)
a. Move clips around in segment mode without losing dissolves.
b. Edit from one sequence to another even when a dissolve is involved (no more error messages about breaking a transition effect).
c. Drag the edge of a clip through a dissolve and have the dissolve reattach itself.
6. Поддержка разных форматов на одной секвенции!!!

Fixed in v4.0.3
The following have been fixed:
- Bug Number: UDevC00128226. The v190.38 NVIDIA driver has been qualified. This fixes the “Unable to install fonts” error that occurred on WinXP SP3 systems.
- Bug Number: UDevC0090818. You might have received an “Exception: FILE_Other” error when exporting AAF to a network shared drive. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00128607. Playing back the Timeline when in MultiCamera mode with the DV device attach resulted in an “Exception: ADM_DIO” error. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00129441. Using Audio Punch-in to create filler at the beginning of the timeline would sometimes fail with an error. This has been fixed. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00130505. Performing a DV capture with the Panasonic AJ-SD755 deck might have resulted in “ADVAudioDev: TransferSample” errors. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00131178, UDevC00131974. XDCAM batch imports occasionally failed to accept the correct disk. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00130028. Some AAF sequences did not successfully import into the editing application. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00130757. The Timeline would freeze for approximately 5 to 10 seconds when performing an audio scrub. This has been fixed.
- Bug Number: UDevC00130658. After canceling a sequence export and returning to the Timeline or Source/Record monitors, you might have received a “Core_unable_to_do” error. This has been fixed.

P.S. Решений проблемы с русской локализацией Windows
Если windows - русский, необходимо перенаправить Shared Documents. Делается это так
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ User Shell Folders
Common Documents = \Shared Documents
исправь на путь, который не содержит русских букв в названии, например D:\Shared Documents
перегрузи комп и попробуй запусти Composer

Системные требования:
PC - Windows
- Computer: Avid-qualified Windows-based computer or laptop (see details)
- OS: Windows XP Professional SP2/SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista Business SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz processor or faster
- Memory: 2 GB of RAM (4 GB of RAM recommended; Windows Vista requires 4 GB of RAM)
- Graphics Card: NVIDIA Quadro FX family (FX 560 or higher)
- Internal Hard Drive: Minimum 80 GB 7200 rpm hard disk
- Optical Drive: DVD drive for disc-based software installation
-HP Z Series Workstations are not supported with this OS.
-Only NVIDIA cards are supported; full-screen playback requires a minimum of 128 MB of graphics memory.

Категория: Мультимедия | Добавил: Joker_vAr
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